Wednesday, March 18, 2009

No Worries Mate!

For some reason, what I was expecting out of a phone interview with a "ward" in Australia is not quite what happened. I thought they would ask many more questions about surfing, vegemite, and my travel goals. While they did ask those questions, they also asked some clinical situation questions- who would have thought?

Corey: "You are taking care of patient X and he has central------ poly----- myelinosis. What do you need to know in order to take care of this patient?"
Me: Um, can you repeat that disease process?"
Corey: "Central ------ poly------ myelinosis."

I start to sweat balls when I realize this is not a disease process I have even heard of, let alone know anything about. I ponder if I should make some deductions based on central: central nervous system. Poly: many?. Myelinsos: Degenerative disease process of the myelin on the central nervous system? But what are the clinical indications? Is it quickly progressing? Or slow, like MS? 

I ended up taking the easy way out and saying since I clearly don't know what this is, I would have to look it up before taking part in any sort of care of this patient. 

"No worries, mate!" replied Corey.  Ha, I hope so! And I hope that is the mantra of life in Australia- no worries!

P.S. He also stated- everyone gets 6 weeks paid vacation and one day off per month! And 8 hour shifts.... And the Board of Nursing in Victoria establishes a patient: nurse ratio that cannot be exceeded. I appreciate that, and firmly believe in order to prevent unnecessary errors, every Board of Nursing should do the same. 

That's all for now! Happy St. Paddy's Day!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sir Isaac and Tater tot!

These two magnificent boys deserve a blog all their own (actually their mother has one, check it out!) However, I feel I owe these two an entry dedicated solely to them!

This week, I had a abundance of days off and in order to break the monotony of multiple days off (by the way, I have a FABULOUS day-off routine!) I hopped in the car and headed up to SD to see my two favorite boys!!

Isaac (2 1/2) also known as "Sausik" or "cute" is just a bundle of life! Sometimes it is overwhelming for those around him (we were once asked to excuse ourselves from church with Isaac) however he truly has been given a gift not everyone has. Everything in life is exciting and new and MUST be touched, jumped in, thrown, or screamed at. Obstacles don't matter, and certainly mom and dad's time-outs don't ever break his spirit. Don't get me wrong, this kid is an angel... most of the time. My wish for him is that no one will EVER break his spirit, tell him he can't accomplish something, or diminish his love for new experiences. Hugs and kisses are rare from this child- he would rather be playing, singing, laughing, or dancing. However, a hug and a kiss from Isaac are one of my favorite things. And very genuine. Except when he wants something. Ok, he's two, and he's a genius!

Tater (Cayden,) just turned 1 yesterday, and he is also my godchild. I identify with Cayden because he is the second born, much like myself. Isaac is much like my sister was a child (so I am told) and Cayden is much more quiet, and much more a mama's boy, like I was. My sister handled her first born not being a clinger SO well, she definitely deserved Cayden. Cayden is easily dominated by Isaac, however he has a quiet determination, that will surely give him extraordinary gifts! Cayden will not be one to stay in the shadows, he will also do amazing things with his life. He is also one very special gift from God, just inquire about the story of his birth!

I write this because well, this blog is dedicated to my quest for Australia. On Thursday, when I drove back from Sioux Falls, for the first time in my whole entire life, I felt a part of my heart hurting. Hurting for the things I will miss, and wishing I could have the best of both worlds. I wish I could go off and see the world and have my family present with me. However, I go back to the quote from the "Alchemist" about how true love does not stop us from pursuing our dreams, but those in our lives who truly love us, will support us, and be present on that journey to our dreams. A constant battle in my head is that I want to be a large part of their lives, however I don't feel as though South Dakota is my home right now. Maybe someday. God has something in store. He always does!

That feeling is one always in the back of my mind, and I am aware of what I am leaving, and what I will miss. That doesn't stop the excitement of the unknown, and all the new people and things that will be a part of my life. I think this is a quote of my Grandma Ruth's which said "the world is full of friends we haven't met." 

Life is a journey, and happiness is a journey. 

Sorry for the sentimental post. Don't know what overcame me. I am tearing up as a type this. Ridiculous!